Friday, June 8, 2012


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 Day One

16 years old
band geek
nice, unattractive, disciplined
body type-average

I get really bored when I'm stuck at home; I decided that every day I'm stuck at home, I will take on a different persona and blog about the advantages and disadvantages of taking on different character traits. In this case, to imitate the absence of sight, I was blindfolded. I had no clue how difficult it would be to have to rely on my other senses to get me where I needed to go. It turned everyday activities into challenges. Walking to my room turned into a vigorous hike through the center of the Amazon; a chair turned into a ginormous Kapok tree, a toy on the ground turned into a fearless anaconda hunting me as it's pray, the simplest of things became obstacles only the greatest of ninja's could master. watching Daredevil made being blind seem adventurous but by 10:30 I had a few bruises on my legs from bumping into couches, I decided that I'm no good at being blind, and the blindfold was getting kind of sweaty! I give extreme kudos to every blind person in the world for being able to live as normally as possible even with the loss of sight as well as to the folks who are missing another sense! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Hmmm...who will I be tomorrow...I'm thinking

16 years old
suck up
unlucky, shy, cruel
is about to move away
body type-athletic

I got all of the personas I will be portraying from

Thanks for reading you guys!